Personal Development
Personal Development, incorporating RSHE & CPSHE
Please find below the lesson plans for the Relationships & Sex Education content to CPSHE lessons.
What does CPSHE stand for?
Citizenship, Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education
Who teaches you CPSHE?
Normally your form tutor will teach you CPSHE on a Wednesday period 3 every week.
What will we learn about in CPSHE?
CPSHE is divided into sections & you will learn about each one. Examples of topics are provided next to the theme name.
a) Health & Well Being - physical, social & mental health, the dangers of smoking & taking drugs & how our bodies change as we grow older.
b) Living in the Wider World - resilience, self esteem, finance, prejudice & discrimination, social media & aspiration's (careers education).
c) Relationships - families, British Values, keeping safe & positive relationships, bullying or banter & radicalisation/extremism.
The personal and social development of our students is very important to us at Higham Lane School. We challenge every student to strive for the highest standards, not only academically, but also in their personal and social development.
In our Citizenship, Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education lesson, our students are provided with many opportunities to develop essential skills, knowledge and understanding, and to address attitudes and values, all of which are necessary to help students make sense of their life experiences and feel confident and informed now and in the future.
Our objectives are such that each student is encouraged:
- To develop self-esteem, confidence, independence and responsibility and to make the most of their abilities;
- To play an active role as future citizens and members of society;
- To develop a healthy lifestyle and keep themselves and others safe;
- To develop effective and fulfilling relationships and learn to respect the difference between people.
All students follow a course in CPSHEE delivered by teaching staff and specialists and there are many other opportunities where students are able to develop and practise their personal and social skills. These include:
- Informal times - before and after school, breaks, lunchtimes, cafeteria choice and tuck shop;
- During assemblies;
- Being aware of the decision making processes through Student Voice;
- Curriculum Enrichment opportunities, theme days, outside speakers;
- Prefectship, Anti-bullying Initiative Counsellors, Form Captains, helping on reception duty;
- Extra-curricular activities like the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and sports clubs.
We are committed to Citizenship and Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education because we know that the way students feel about themselves can have a significant impact upon their achievement, and by engaging our students in learning vital life skills we will equip them for their future away from Higham Lane School.
For further details on this subject, please feel free to email us